Church Authority

By Andrew Williams

Matthew 18:17 ‘If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. ‘

Good morning fellow disciples.

Today we will look at the authority of the Ecclesia (church).

The ecclesia in ancient Greece held immense power. It could:

  • Declare war and make peace,
  • Elect officials,
  • Pass laws,
  • Oversee finances, and
  • Try citizens for certain offenses.

In like manner Jesus told His disciples that the church also had authority. If one believer sinned against another and there was no reconciliation between them, that believer could be brought before the church for the church to pass judgment. If the offending party would not accept the church’s decision, then they could be treated as if they were not members of the Church anymore.

Also, when the church agreed about anything, it would come to pass, and God would do it for them. The Church had the authority to forbid and permit the things that were forbidden and permitted in heaven by God the Father.

In Matthew 18:15- 20, we recognize that the church is an extension of God’s authority from heaven. We also see that it had immense power to: elect persons, try members, and oversee other aspects of the church.

Are you submitting to the authority of the Church of Jesus Christ?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for placing Your authority in the Church. As a member, I will submit to its authority, with You and Father God as the head. Amen.

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