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Choices – Will I Follow the Holy Spirit?

By Andrew Williams – September 20, 2021

So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus.
Acts 13:4 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

Today we continue to look at some choices that were made in the Bible. To choose means: “to select freely and after consideration, to have a preference for, or to take an alternative”. The question that we always have to answer is this, ” When I am faced with a choice, what will I choose to do?”

The background to this passage of scripture is that the leaders of the Church in Antioch had just finished a season of prayer and fasting, and worshiping God. During that season of prayer and fasting the Holy Spirit spoke to them and asked them to release Paul and the Barnabas to do the mission that He had called them to. Their fellow leaders blessed them, laid hands on them, and obediently follow the Holy Spirit’s leading.

In Acts 13:4, we see Paul and Barnabas leaving their Church in Antioch and going out in obedience to the Holy Spirit. My question to you today is this, “When God’s Holy Spirit speaks to you and gives you instructions, will you follow Him?

Let us remember that Holy Spirit is the representative of the Godhead here on Earth. He is fully God, just like Father God and the Lord Jesus. When He speaks, He speaks on behalf of all three of them. It is amazing that Paul and Barnabas just left their very successful Church to go somewhere that they had not been to before, and in some cases, they didn’t even know where they were going.

Would you also be willing to take that leap of faith and just head out from where you are comfortable, where you are successful, and where your ministry is thriving, to go somewhere unknown? If we redirect our focus to God and the leading of the Holy Spirit then we will have no problem doing that.

Remember that once you receive the Holy Spirit from God He will never leave nor forsake you! You will never be alone in the ministry/service that He has called you to! So I implore you to just step out in faith and obey the Holy Spirit when He speaks to you. This is a choice that you will never regret making!

Prayer: Holy Spirit You are the one who speaks on behalf of God to me. I acknowledge You for who You are. I love You, I need You, and I will always redirect my focus to You as the member of the Godhead who is in my body. I surrender completely to You and I surrender to your leading in my life. Right now and forever I choose to follow You, amen.

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