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Choices – To Sin Or Not To Sin

By Andrew Williams – September 10, 2021

Good morning fellow disciples.

Today we continue to look at some choices that were made in the Bible. To choose means: “to select freely and after consideration, to have a preference for, or to take an alternative”. The question that we always have to answer is this, ” When I am faced with a choice, what will I choose to do?”

Let me ask you a silly question, “have you ever been in a position where you had to choose whether to sin or not to sin?” This is the choice that every one of us has to make every single day. For those of us who are seeking to serve the Lord, we agonize over this choice daily. Sometimes the choice to not sin is easy to make and sometimes it is hard.

As we ponder what choice to make let us look at what Jesus did when he was faced with temptation. Jesus was hungry and weak but Jesus chose not to sin. These are his responses to the tempter:

But He answered, “It is written: Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 HCSB

Jesus told him, “It is also written: Do not test the Lord your God.” Matthew 4:7 HCSB

Then Jesus told him, “Go away, Satan! For it is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve only Him.”
Matthew 4:10 HCSB

Jesus showed us how to resist the devil. We should know scripture and use it as we stand on its authority.
Notice what happened when Jesus consistently chose to resist the devil and chose not to sin.
Then the Devil left Him, and immediately angels came and began to serve Him. Matthew 4:11 HCSB

When we are faced with the choice to sin or not to sin, let us remember three things:
1. Yielding to sin leads to us being separated from God and breaking our fellowship with him.
2. Consistently resisting the devil and choosing not to sin will cause the devil to leave us alone, and
3. When we consistently choose not to sin God will send his angels to minister unto us, and their ministration will strengthen us for further service to God.

Prayer: Father God, like Jesus I will redirect my focus to Your Holy Scriptures and You when I am being tempted to sin. I don’t want to lose out on my fellowship with You and I definitely want the devil to leave me alone, so no matter how many times he tempts me I will choose Your way. I choose not to sin, Lord!
From Jesus’ example, I see that resisting the devil consistently will cause him to leave me alone for a while. I see that You will strengthen me after the ordeal of being tempted for so long. I also realize that after making the choice consistently not to sin that You will allow me to go out in the power of Your Holy Spirit to spread Your gospel, with signs and wonders following.
Father God help me to be like Jesus who defeated the devil each time He was tempted. I know I can do it Lord if only I keep my focus on You and living for You. Amen.

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