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Choices – I Choose To be Hated

By Andrew Williams – September 29, 2021

Good morning fellow disciples.

To choose means: “to select freely and after consideration, to have a preference for, or to take an alternative”. The question that we always have to answer is this, ” When I am faced with a choice, what will I choose to do?”

“If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own. However, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of it, the world hates you.” John 15:18‭-‬19 HCSB

In this passage, we see that when we become disciples of Christ, the same thing that the world does to Him is the same thing that they will do to us. Remember that He chose us from out of the world so the world will be bitter against us for leaving it. The world will want us back, and when we don’t go back they will fight against us. The world is completely opposed to Christ and the kingdom of God so when Christ takes us from the world the world will not be pleased.

We need to realize that the world and the kingdom of God are at war against each other. When we become disciples of Christ and choose to walk with Him we declare war against the world. Enemies hate each other and the world will definitely hate you for the choice that Jesus made to take you out of the world, and the choice that you made to stay with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Fret not! It is better to be loved by God than to be loved by the world. It’s better to be hated by the world than to be hated by God. No matter what troubles and persecution the world brings to you, please choose to stay with God. You’re going to be hated one way or another. The question is who do you want to be hated by, God or the world?

Prayer: Father God, I don’t care if the world hates me! All I want to do is remain in Your love, and to live a life that is pleasing to You. I will fulfill my kingdom responsibilities knowing that You are forever with me. Even though the world hates me, I will choose to win as many persons as possible from the world so that they can become a part of Your kingdom. I pledge this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ my Lord, my savior, and my king, amen.

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