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Choices -To Be Condemned Or Not To Be Condemned

By Andrew Williams – September 21, 2021

Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God. John 3:18 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Today we continue to look at some choices that were made in the Bible. To choose means: “to select freely and after consideration, to have a preference for, or to take an alternative”. The question that we always have to answer is this, ” When I am faced with a choice, what will I choose to do?”
Today my fellow disciples the choice that we have to make is, ” Do I want to be condemned or not?” The preceding verses tell us what it means to be condemned.

“For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. John 3:16‭-‬17 HCSB

God sent His Son to save us. If we believe in Him we will be saved and we will have eternal life. However, if we don’t believe in Him then we will be condemned and we won’t have eternal life. This is what verse 18 is saying.

Are you saved or are you condemned? This is not something that you will aspire towards, it is a choice that you have already made. Are you saved because you have already accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior? Or are already condemned because you have not believed in him?

Take a moment to ponder where You are and answer truthfully. If you are saved then glory be to God! If you realize that you are condemned, and you’re still breathing, it’s not too late to believe in Jesus and accept Him as your Lord and savior ! Will you make that choice today, will you make that choice RIGHT NOW?

Prayer: Father God the choice is clear! I am condemned if I don’t believe in Your Son and I am saved if I do. I choose to believe and be saved! Help me to show others this truth so that they too will understand how to be saved from condemnation, amen!

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