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Choices – Submit to the Call of God

By Andrew Williams

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: Who should I send? Who will go for Us? I said: Here I am. Send me. 
Isaiah 6:8 HCSB 
Choices – Submit to the Call of God

Good morning fellow disciples.

Submit is defined as “to permit oneself to be subjected to something”.

In Isaiah chapter 6, the prophet had a vision of God on His throne. He was made righteous when the Holy Angel placed a burning coal on his lip. Having seen God and been made righteous, God then asked two public questions.

1. “Who should I send?” And,

2. “Who will go for Us?”

God wanted to give a message to the Israelites. He wanted to see who would be willing to be His emissary, His mouthpiece, and His prophet. Even though there were a host of angels in this vision, it was Isaiah who willingly answered “Here I am. Send me.”

Many of us disciples have had heavenly encounters, been made righteous in God’s sight, have heard the voice of God, and definitely know what He wants to be done. However, many of us do not willingly submit ourselves to God to do what He has asked us to do.

We do not permit ourselves to be subjected to His will. We do not permit ourselves to be obedient to His call. We do not permit ourselves to live as His Holy disciples.

We do not permit ourselves to be His prophets.

Have you heard the voice of God?

God is calling you today to do His will.

Will you answer the call?

Will you submit yourself; will you permit yourself to be subjected to Him, and to the call that He has for your life?

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