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Choices – Submit to God

By Andrew Williams

Therefore, submit to God. But resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. 
James 4:7 HCSB
Choices – Submit to God

Good morning fellow disciples.

Submit is defined as: “to yield to governance or authority, and, to defer to or consent to abide by the opinion or authority of another.”

Are you submitted to God? Have you truly yielded your life to His governance and authority? Do you consent to abide by His opinion and His authority?

If you have, that’s great!

If you have yielded fully to God and are under His authority and governance, then you are a part of His Kingdom. You are a citizen of His Kingdom. You have the rights and privileges that are afforded to children of God.

You have the same Spirit who lived in Jesus and the authority and power that He brings. It is the Holy Spirit living in you and your testimony of faith that gives you the power to resist the devil. When you resist him in the authority and power of God then the devil has no option but to flee from you!

Are you submitted to God? Are you resisting the devil?

In God’s power and authority, you can!

Make the wise choice today, SUBMIT TO GOD!

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