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Choices – Hate God and His Kingdom

October 14, 2021
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By Andrew Williams – October 14, 2021

Good morning fellow disciples.

To choose means: “to select freely and after consideration, to have a preference for, or to take an alternative”. The question that we always have to answer is this, ” When I am faced with a choice, what will I choose to do?”

But they will do all these things to you on account of My name because they don’t know the One who sent Me. John 15:21 HCSB

If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin. Now they have no excuse for their sin. The one who hates Me also hates My Father. If I had not done the works among them that no one else has done, they would not have sin. Now they have seen and hated both Me and My Father. John 15:22‭-‬24 HCSB

Being ignorant is such an awful thing. When we don’t know the truth we tend to make decisions and say things that are detrimental both to us and other persons. As Jesus continues to speak to his disciples about the persecution that they will come under, He gives them the reason for it. They will be persecuted because they follow Jesus and because the persecutors do not know God.
Jesus continues telling them that these persons who hate them, Him, and God are sinners. They are sinners because they have heard the word of God, they have seen the power of God, and yet they still refuse to believe in God and the one whom He sent.

Are you like that today? Have you heard the word of God, have you seen the power of God, have you felt the power of God, and yet still you don’t choose to believe in him? This means that you hate Jesus and you hate God the Father! Are you willing to choose to repent from your sin and to love God, Jesus, and God’s Kingdom starting now?

If you are already loving Jesus, God the Father, and His kingdom, will you speak the truth and live in God’s power so that others may recognize and choose to change from haters to lovers of God?

Prayer: Father God, continue to reveal yourself through us so that the world may see and know You. Father God, for those of us who love You, help us to be effective witnesses to the world. Father God, for those who hate You may they hear our witness and choose to love You instead. I ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.

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