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Rightfully Yours

By Andrew Williams – July 24,2021 “Praise is rightfully Yours, God, in Zion; vows to You will be fulfilled. All humanity will come to You, the One who hears prayer.” Psalms 65:1‭-‬2 HCSB God in Zion is the Almighty God. He’s God of God’s, King of kings, Lord of lords. He is creator of everything […]

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Desire and Happiness

By Andrew Williams – July 23,2021 “Seek your happiness in the Lord , and he will give you your heart’s desire.” Psalm 37:4 GNT Good morning fellow disciples. Happiness is defined as ‘a state of well-being and contentment’. Desire is defined as something longed or hoped for. In this verse happiness and desire are both

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Power for Salvation

By Andrew Williams – July 22,2021 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16 HCSB Good morning fellow disciples. Gospel : the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation. Salvation :

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The Correct Response

By Andrew Williams – July 21,2021 “With the faithful You prove Yourself faithful; with the blameless man You prove Yourself blameless; with the pure You prove Yourself pure, but with the crooked You prove Yourself shrewd.” Psalms 18:25‭-‬26 HCSB Good morning fellow disciples. Let us read this verse again. What is your character? How would

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From Sinning

By Andrew Williams – July 20,2021 ” I was blameless toward Him and kept myself from sinning. So the Lord repaid me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in His sight.” Psalms 18:23‭-‬24 HCSB Good morning fellow disciples. The parts of these verses that we will focus on today are:

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In Mind

By Andrew Williams – July 19,2021 “Indeed, I have kept all His ordinances in mind and have not disregarded His statutes.” Psalms 18:22 HCSB Good morning fellow disciples. Let us define some words from this verse. Ordinance – something ordained or decreed by fate or a deity; a law set forth by a governmental authority.

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Serving God Fully

By Andrew Williams – July 18,2021 “For I have kept the ways of the Lord and have not turned from my God to wickedness.” Psalms 18:21 HCSB Good morning fellow disciples. How many of us can truly say that we have kept the ways of the Lord and have not turned from our God to

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According to My Righteousness

By Andrew Williams – July 17,2021 “The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; He repaid me according to the cleanness of my hands.” Psalms 18:20 HCSB Good morning fellow disciples, let us pray. Father God, thank You for saving me, thank You for loving me, thank You for redeeming me. As I look at

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In Me ?

By Andrew Williams – July 16,2021 “He brought me out to a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me.” Psalms 18:19 HCSB Good morning fellow disciples. As we continue to look at God saving and delivering us we see in this verse how God rescued “me” and brought me out to a

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By Andrew Williams – July 15,2021 “They confronted me in the day of my distress, but the Lord was my support.” Psalms 18:18 HCSB Good morning fellow disciples. Have you ever been in the place where you are surrounded by everything that you just can’t seem to get away from? There’s no way of escape

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