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Call, Come, Pray

By Andrew Williams – July 5,2021

“You will call to Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Sometimes we are told what to do, or directed along a path in order for us to receive something specific. As children we were given money and told to give it to someone and we would get a candy. Sometimes we resisted because we wanted to keep the money, but when we realized that the only way to get the cherished candy was to give over the money, we did just that. As we came to understand these interactions we did them more easily.

In this passage Jeremiah is telling the Israelites that when their time in exile is about to end that God will once again listen to them and that they will return home. But, they will have to play their part by seeking God.

God makes the promise, ” I will listen to you”! But in order for God to listen they have to do something first: “You will call to Me and come and pray to Me”.

Is your relationship with God broken? Are you looking for God to listen to you? Then, Call to Him and go and pray to Him. HE WILL LISTEN TO YOU !

Prayer: Father God, You promised that You would listen to me if I call to You and pray to You. I trust You to be faithful to Your promise! I ask You Father God to forgive me of sinning against You. I repent ! I thank You for renewing our fellowship. I pray that You will restore to me everything that the enemy stole from me. I will use all that You have restored to honor You and to help those in need. Help me to win souls and disciple them to bring glory and honor to You. These I ask in Jesus’ name , amen.

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