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The Purpose of Our Gifts in Christ

November 2, 2024

By Andrew Williams

1 Corinthians 12:7 (NLT): “Now a demonstration of the Spirit is given to each one for the common good.”

Good morning fellow disciples.

Let us turn our hearts and minds to the magnificent purpose behind the spiritual gifts God so graciously bestows upon us.

This verse cuts to the heart of the matter. It’s not about personal glory or promoting oneself; it’s about the common good. The “demonstration of the Spirit” refers to the manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s power working through each individual believer, expressed through their unique spiritual gift. These gifts are not for our personal amusement or advancement, but for the building up, the strengthening, and the edification of the entire body of Christ—the Church.

Think of a body: each part, however seemingly small or insignificant, plays a crucial role in the overall health and function of the whole. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” Similarly, no single spiritual gift is superior to another; each is essential for the complete functioning of the Church. Our gifts are not meant to be hoarded or hidden; they are meant to be shared, used to serve others, and to bring glory to God.

Empowerment from the Verse:  This verse empowers us with a profound sense of purpose. We are not merely passive recipients of God’s grace; we are active participants in His work. Our gifts are not optional extras; they are essential tools for building God’s Kingdom. Knowing that our unique contributions are vital to the health and growth of the Church should inspire us to actively seek out and utilize our gifts. It should propel us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the opportunities to serve. This is not about pressure, but about empowerment – the knowledge that we have a vital role to play in something far greater than ourselves.

Your Task: Today, take some time to reflect on your spiritual gifts. How can you use them to build up the body of Christ? Is there a need in your church or community that your gift could address? Perhaps you can offer your time, your talents, or your resources to serve others. Don’t wait for someone to ask; actively seek opportunities to use your gifts to bless and encourage those around you. Let your light shine brightly, illuminating the path for others and bringing glory to God.

Prayer: Father God, we thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit and the unique abilities You have given each of us. Open our eyes to see the needs around us and empower us to use our gifts to build up Your Church. Help us to serve You faithfully and to be a blessing to others. May our lives be a testament to Your love and grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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