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Become a Fellow Worker

By Andrew Williams – October 08, 2021

“We therefore ought to receive such, that we may become fellow workers for the truth.” III John 1:8 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

Many of us will never go to foreign countries to spread the gospel. Many of us will not even leave our community to go and spread the gospel, but we can help others who do. We may not have the money to fund their missions but there are many things that we can do to help.

We can be the persons to pray daily for God to work through them to reach others. We can be the persons who provide lodging for them as they pass through our communities. We can be the persons who make the links with other persons in other communities who will also provide for them.

Brothers and sisters, fellow disciples in Christ, we don’t all have to do the same things to support those who go out on missions. What we can do is work together in a way that all our resources, be it physical, spiritual, financial, or otherwise will all be used in a manner to promote the kingdom of God.

What can you do today to help someone who is on the mission field for God? Let me ask another question, “what are you doing now to help those within your church or community so that they can more easily spread the gospel of the Kingdom of God?”

Prayer: Father God, help us to be hospitable to those who are on the mission field so that we can become partners with them in the ministry. Whatever we have and whatever we can do to help them may we do it from a heart that is surrendered to You. Help us to do our best to help those who are working for You in ways that we can’t. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

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