Be Ready During the Wait

By Andrew Williams

Be Ready During the Wait
For this reason, you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour you do not expect. 
Matthew 24:44 BSB

Good morning, fellow disciples.

Ready is defined as: “in a suitable state for an action or situation; fully prepared.”
Wait is defined as: “to remain stationary in readiness or expectation.”

Are you fully prepared for Jesus’ return?

While you wait, have you been preparing yourself so that when He returns you are in a state of readiness?

Are you really waiting for Jesus to return?

What is your expectation regarding His second coming?

The truth is we don’t know when Jesus will be returning. His coming may catch many of us by surprise. It is incumbent on us to make ourselves ready, so that when He comes, we will be among those who will live forever with Him.

As you wait what do you do each day to ensure that you are ready?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I am reading Your word and putting them into practice. I’m trying to live as Your devoted disciple. I am preaching the gospel, and teaching others about You. Most importantly, I am seeking to have fellowship and relationship with You through Your Holy Spirit who lives within Me.

Holy Spirit has been teaching me how to be like You. I try each day to live obedient to Your Word, to Your will, and to Your Holy Spirit’s leading. Help me to become more like You each and every day, so that I will be ready on the day that You return. Amen.

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