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Be Like Jesus – Teach Your Disciples To Be Humble

By Andrew Williams – April 28, 2022

Be Like Jesus – Teach Your Disciples To Be Humble

Then they came to Capernaum. And as soon as Jesus was inside the house, he asked his disciples, “What were you arguing about on the way here?” No one said a word, because they had been arguing about which one of them was the greatest. Jesus sat down, called the twelve disciples to come around him, and said to them, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be content to be last and become a servant to all.”
Mark 9:33‭-‬35 TPT

Good morning fellow disciples.

We are all serving God, and His Holy Spirit manifests Himself in us in similar or differing ways. We know the Word of God, we preach the Word of God, we heal the sick and, we set the captives free. Some of us may be more effective than others. Some may be more flamboyant, some may have a bigger audience and, some may be more famous.

Whatever our status in the kingdom may be, we should not think of ourselves as being greater than others. This type of thinking will cause problems within the body of Christ. We are all equipped by the same Holy Spirit of God and we are all called to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom.

We need to examine our motives for being disciples of Christ. We need to do all that we are called to do to bring glory and honor to God. We honor the Lord Jesus Christ by living our lives the way He did.

He came to serve us and He lived His life humbly in the sight of both man and God. As His disciples we need to be humble and we need to serve God and others.

Even though we want to win the prize that is prepared for us, we need to be content with being in last place and becoming servants for everyone.

Prayer: Father God, I truly want to be like Jesus. I humble myself before You and choose to serve my brothers and sisters the way that Jesus commanded and emulated for us.

I will not compare myself to my fellow disciples. I will not seek to be greater than them. I will teach those whom I am discipling to be like Jesus to be humble. Amen

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