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Be Like Jesus – Show God’s Wisdom

By Andrew Williams – April 20, 2022

Be Like Jesus – Show God’s Wisdom

Afterward, Jesus left Capernaum and returned with his disciples to Nazareth, his hometown. On the Sabbath, he went to teach in the synagogue. Everyone who heard his teaching was overwhelmed with astonishment. They said among themselves, “What incredible wisdom has been given to him! Where did he receive such profound insights? And what mighty miracles flow through his hands! Isn’t this Mary’s son, the carpenter, the brother of Jacob, Joseph, Judah, and Simon? And don’t his sisters all live here in Nazareth?” And they took offense at him.
Mark 6:1‭-‬3 TPT

Good morning fellow disciples.

When you teach do you show forth God’s wisdom?

When you preach do you give profound insights?

Do miracles flow from your hands?

Are people overwhelmed and astonished when they hear you speak God’s word?

If the answer is yes, then you are truly a disciple of Christ. You are teaching, preaching, and working miracles just like Jesus did!

Sometimes we find ourselves in a place where people don’t honor us because they are familiar with us. They recognize that we are children of God, but yet still they question our wisdom, insight, and the work that we do for God.

Don’t let persons familiarity with you keep you from continuing to do what God has called you to do. Be led by the Holy Spirit, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and let Him manifest in you and through you so that others will be blessed as you proclaim the Word of God with signs and wonders following.

Prayer: Father God, as I teach Your Word let others be excited and astonished. Let Your wisdom flow through me to them and may the insights that You give me lead them to You.

Father God, I ask You to use me mightily like You did my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

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