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Be Like Jesus – Prophesy

By Andrew Williams – April 26, 2022

Be Like Jesus – Prophesy

Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, there are some standing here now who won’t experience death until they see God’s kingdom realm manifest with power!”
Mark 9:1 TPT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Be like Jesus: prophesy! It’s not hard to do.

Prophesy is defined as; to speak as if divinely inspired or, to predict with assurance.

Do you have the Spirit of God within you?

Are you fellowshipping with God?

Do you abide with God and does He abide with you?

Do you pray?
Prayer at its root is simply focusing on God and communicating with Him. You speak to Him and you listen to Him. When He speaks to you and you tell others what God is saying, are you not prophesying?

Jesus said: “The one who doesn’t love Me will not keep My words. The word that you hear is not Mine but is from the Father who sent Me.”
John 14:24 HCSB

Be like Jesus!

Speak God’s Word!

Speak the divinely inspired Word of God!

Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your Holy Spirit who will teach me all the things that You want me to know. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who lives in me and divinely inspires me to speak, to write, to act, and to live according to Your Word.

I will prophesy! I will speak Your divinely inspired Words! Amen

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