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Be Like Jesus – Make Time For Prayer

By Andrew Williams – April 7, 2022

Be Like Jesus – Make Time For Prayer

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He got up, went out, and made His way to a deserted place. And He was praying there.
Mark 1:35 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Making time for prayer early in the morning is something that I still struggle with. I wake early in the morning and even though I try to pray, most times I fall back to sleep in the middle of my prayers.

I wonder, is this because I have not followed Jesus’ pattern?

Honestly, I just lay in my bed most times and start praying when I wake up. In that half asleep state, pretty soon I doze off once more. In the past, I used to get out of bed and walk around while praying. This helped me to be alert while praying, and I was able to focus on God.

In Mark 1:35 it says that Jesus’ pattern was: 1. While it was still dark He got up,
2. He went out,
3. Made His way to a place where there was no distractions, and
4. He prayed there.

Do you make the effort to get yourself into a position where you can focus on God during prayer?

All you need to do is to make the effort like Jesus did. Will you do this as of today?

Prayer: Father God, forgive me for not making the effort to get out of my bed to spend time with You early in the morning. I confess as sin my desire to stay in that place of comfort and then falling asleep as I pray.

From today onwards I will make time like Jesus did, to pray. I will get away from the crowd and the distractions, and I will spend the time fellowshipping with You in prayer.

I will be like my master Jesus! Amen

3 thoughts on “Be Like Jesus – Make Time For Prayer”

  1. This happens to all of us but we see the solution in following Jesus step by step, one day at a time..
    He is our example.

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