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Be Like Jesus – Make Disciples

By Andrew Williams – April 3, 2022

Be Like Jesus – Make Disciples

As He was passing along by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew, Simon’s brother. They were casting a net into the sea, since they were fishermen. “Follow Me,” Jesus told them, “and I will make you fish for, people! ”
Mark 1:16‭-‬17 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Jesus knew that in order to spread the gospel more widely and for it to remain after His death, He would have to make disciples in His image. As He went about, He looked for persons who were capable of becoming His disciples.

In this passage, we see Him speaking to Simon and Andrew in a manner that they would understand. They were fishermen, and He used their life experiences to tell them what He wanted them to do. Jesus chose many persons from many different walks of life to be His disciples.

He was looking for persons who were willing to be His followers and who were willing to go through the training to become His disciples. These persons were not who other rabbis were choosing. These persons were not all highly educated. Some of them were sinners. Some of them were rebels, but Jesus saw their potential and their desire to serve God.

We know that these disciples went on to make more disciples for Christ. They preached the gospel, taught these disciples, and empowered them to become disciple-makers as well. Like Jesus did, they also made disciples.

Are you a disciple-maker like Jesus?

Have you been discipling/training persons to become like Jesus: patterning His life, preaching the gospel He preached, setting the captives free, and then making more disciples in His image?

Prayer: Lord Jesus I want to be like You. I want to make disciples for the Kingdom of God. Show me through Your Holy Spirit the persons that I need to invest in, so that they too can become Your faithful disciples. Amen

4 thoughts on “Be Like Jesus – Make Disciples”

  1. I join with the song writer who said ”
    “I want to be like, I want to walk like, i want to talk like, The Man from Galalee” may God help us to be faithful to our call.

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