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Be Like Jesus – Keep Some Things Secret

By Andrew Williams – April 27, 2022

Be Like Jesus – Keep Some Things Secret

After six days, Jesus took Peter and the two brothers, Jacob and John, and hiked up a high mountain to be alone. And Jesus’ appearance was dramatically altered, for he was transfigured before their very eyes! His clothing sparkled and became glistening white—whiter than any bleach in the world could make them. Then suddenly, right in front of them, Moses and Elijah appeared, and they spoke with Jesus. As they all hiked down the mountain together, Jesus ordered them, “Don’t tell anyone of what you just witnessed. Wait until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.”
Mark 9:2‭-‬4‭, ‬9 TPT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Have you encountered the living God?

Have you encountered Him in ways that are supernatural?

Have you had visions?

Have you seen angels?

Has God revealed hidden truths to you?

Are you ready to share these with the world but then you hear: “Don’t tell anyone what you have just experienced?”

In Mark 9:2‭-‬4‭, ‬& 9, we see the disciples experiencing something that was supernatural and mind blowing. This was something that proved that Jesus was the son of God, but the Lord Jesus Christ Himself told them: “Don’t tell anyone of what you just witnessed. Wait until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.”

Sometimes God wants us to keep some things that happen with Him secret. Those experiences are just for us. Sometimes those experiences will not be received by the persons we witness to, so God has to prepare their hearts until it’s the appropriate time to reveal those encounters with God or to reveal our revelations from Him.

Are you spending time in the presence of God so that He can give you supernatural encounters and revelations?

Do you spend time with God asking Him what to do with these supernatural encounters?

Are you willing to obey God and keep some things secret?

Prayer: Father God, thank You for revealing Yourself to me. I am honored and blessed to be in Your presence and to have Your Holy Spirit living in me. As I seek You and spend time with You, give me visions, dreams, revelations from Your Holy Spirit and, supernatural encounters.

I ask You to use these encounters with You to draw me closer to You, and to help me to abide with You. Show me how to steward all that You reveal to me, and if it is Your will that I should keep them secret, I will. Amen

1 thought on “Be Like Jesus – Keep Some Things Secret”

  1. We may be considerd secretive in not disclosing all that we know , but in this story Jesus is reminding his disciples that there is a time for everything.
    Let us strive to follow the examples of Jesus.

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