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Be Like Jesus – Don’t Give Up

By Andrew Williams – April 25, 2022

When they arrived at Bethsaida, some people brought a blind man to Jesus, begging him to touch him and heal him. So Jesus led him, as his sighted guide, outside the village. He placed his saliva on the man’s eyes and covered them with his hands. Then he asked him, “Now do you see anything?” “Yes,” he said. “My sight is coming back! I’m beginning to see people, but they look like trees—walking trees.” Jesus put his hands over the man’s eyes a second time and made him look up. The man opened his eyes wide and he could see everything perfectly. His eyesight was completely restored!
Mark 8:22‭-‬25 TPT

Good morning fellow disciples.

I love what Matthew 8:16 TPT says:
“That evening the people brought to him many who were demonized. And by Jesus only speaking a word of healing over them, they were totally set free from their torment, and everyone who was sick received their healing!”

When I think of Jesus and His healing and deliverance ministry to others Matthew 8:16 is the verse that I love. It states that with a word, a single word, Jesus effected healing and deliverance.

However, in Mark 8:22‭-‬25, we see that Jesus spent a while with this man to get him healed. His vision came back progressively as Jesus ministered to him. Jesus went through a process with this man:
1. He led him away from the village,
2. He placed saliva on his eyes and covered them with his hands, which led to a partial recovery of sight, and
3. Jesus put His hands over the man’s eyes a second time and made him look up. Then his eyesight was completely restored!

Jesus was not satisfied with the partial recovery of sight for this man. Why? Because Jesus knew His purpose.

“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed,”
Luke 4:18 HCSB

In this case, it was the recovery of sight! Anything less than total recovery was not acceptable!

Jesus did not give up! Neither should we! Don’t be satisfied with less than what you know God has appointed and anointed you to do.

Be like Jesus!

Be Persistent!


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