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Be Like Jesus – Choose Persons to Disciple

By Andrew Williams – April 13, 2022

Be Like Jesus – Choose Persons to Disciple

Then He went up the mountain and summoned those He wanted, and they came to Him. He also appointed 12 — He also named them apostles — to be with Him, to send them out to preach, and to have authority to drive out demons.
Mark 3:13‭-‬15 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Jesus had many followers. But they weren’t his disciples. At the appointed time He called those that He wanted to train to be His disciples. Among those He appointed twelve who He called apostles.

Just looking at this we realize that Jesus knew the persons who were following Him and that He was observing them for a while to see their determination, and their commitment to Him. After a season of prayer He choose those who He wanted to be His disciples.

Among these disciples where the twelve apostles who He wanted to be close to Him so He could teach them how to preach, and who He gave authority to cast out demons and to heal the sick.

Are you a disciple of Christ?

Are you making disciples for Christ Jesus?

Who do you have around you to choose from?
Are you spending time with them and observing them so that you can choose the right persons to disciple like Jesus did?

Prayer: Father God, first I want to ask You to show me how to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. I have not been discipled the way that He taught, but I know through Your Holy Spirit, You will teach me all that I need to know.

Thank You Lord for making me one of Your disciples. Lord Jesus, You said to go and make disciples, so help me to be a disciple-maker. Show me the persons from my circle of friends and acquaintances whom I should disciple.

Help me to know which ones to keep close to me so that I can teach them how to preach, and send them out to do Your work empowered by Your Holy Spirit. Amen

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