Baptized to Reach the World

By Andrew Williams

Acts of the Apostles 2:4 NLT – And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.

Good morning fellow disciples.

Jesus had completed His mission here on earth. Now the next phase of God’s plan was to be put into action. Jesus had told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received the gift of the Father. At Pentecost God fulfilled His promise and filled them with His Holy Spirit!

Remember that when we are filled with God’s Holy Spirit it is always for a purpose. in this case:

  1. God baptized this first group of disciples at Pentecost in order to reach a large group of persons who would be gathered in Jerusalem at that time.
  2. The Holy spirit came with the sound of a mighty rushing wind. This alerted the people in Jerusalem that something marvelous was happening or about to happen.
  3. The Holy Spirit manifested in them by giving them the ability to speak in other languages. This allowed them to preach the gospel to the foreigners in their native languages.

Isn’t God strategic!

Prayer: Father God, we place ourselves in position to receive Your Gift. Baptize us to reach the world! Amen.

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