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Attentive to Prayer

By Andrew Williams – July 30, 2021

“Now Oh my God, I pray, let your eyes be open and your ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.” 2 Chronicles 6:40 Amplified Version

Good morning fellow disciples.

Today we are looking at this passage, which states that when we offer prayer in this place we expect God to open His eyes and His ears and be attentive to us. The passage is speaking about the temple in Jerusalem which Solomon dedicated to God. He was praying that God would hear the prayers of the persons when they prayed in that place.

But this morning I want to let you know that wherever you are, God will hear your prayer. All you need to do is pray to God and He will see and He will hear. We should be in constant fellowship with God so that wherever we are, and whenever we pray, He will hear and He will listen to us.

It is up to us to read His Word, pray to Him, and be obedient to Him. When we are faithful to Him, He will always hear our prayers.

Prayer : Father God, we thank You for Your blessings, we thank You for being the  God who is always present ,always listening ,who does not leave us, who and does not forsake us. Father God, as we come to You this morning, we pray that You will hear our prayers, and that not only will You hear our prayers, but that we will be always ready and willing to talk to You in prayer. Bless us today I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Attentive to Prayer”

  1. Novelyn Chanbers

    Hallelujah to God.
    He always answers prayers.
    Our obedience ,sincerity and faithfulness is important
    Inspirational,helpful postings.
    God.bless you as you offer us guidance.

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