Ask God for What You Need

By Andrew Williams

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Philippians 4:6 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

This month we will be looking at making petitions for ourselves. We will look at instances from the Bible where individuals made different types of petitions. Let us learn together from them and become bold in making petitions.

Petition: a request made for something desired, especially a respectful or humble request, as to a superior or to one of those in authority; a supplication or prayer.

Is there something that you desire or need? Are you worried about receiving what you need? How will you get what you desire?

Paul instructs us to take our petitions to God. We are to pray to God for what we need. God is superior to us and He is the one who is above all authority. He can provide all you need!

Tell God what you need!

Thank God for what He has done!

My fellow disciples, God is our provider! Let us go to Him and ask Him for what we need.

Prayer: Father God, I need You! I need to be holy because you are Holy. I need to fully surrender to You. I need to be totally submitted to You. I need to obey you in all things. I need to live in complete dependence on you.

Grant these desires of my heart, I pray. Amen.

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