Are You Worthy

By Andrew Williams

Then I began to weep bitterly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll and read it.
Revelation 5:4 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

WORD is defined as the expressed or manifested mind and will of God.

In this passage we see John the apostle weeping bitterly because no one in Heaven or Earth was able to open the scroll that was placed before God. No one was able to read it. So, how could we know what was in God’s written WORD?

We later find that Jesus was able to open the scroll and read it, and then we could know what God had planned for the world. Because someone was found worthy, we could hear God’s WORD.

When we read God’s WORD, it needs to be read with understanding. The ones to whom it is read need to be able to understand it, and the interpretation or explanation of God’s WORD is usually done by the one who reads it.

In many churches, children or other persons are called upon to read God’s WORD and then someone else explains it. Have you ever been to church and someone gets up to read the WORD but then there’s no one to explain it?

Yes! That includes you! You were not able to explain God’s WORD to those who were there with you!

Has that changed?

Are you a disciple of Christ who is led by the Holy Spirit, fed with God’s WORD, taught by the Holy Spirit, and given interpretation of God’s WORD?

If you still can’t read and explain God’s WORD to others, you need to examine your relationship with God, today!

Prayer: Father God, may I be found worthy to read Your WORD and then give explanation and interpretation to others. Amen.

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