Are you Guilty? Confess!

By Andrew Williams

“When you become aware of your guilt in any of these ways, you must confess your sin.”  Leviticus 5:5 NLT 
Are you Guilty? Confess!

Good morning fellow disciples.

Confess: to unburden one’s sins or the state of one’s conscience to God or to a priest.

There are many things that are classified as sin. There are many things that we KNOW are sinful. When we do these things knowingly or we become aware of them, we often times feel guilty for committing them.

When you become aware of your guilt what do you do?

When you become aware of your guilt what do you do?

As a disciple of Christ, as someone made in God’s image, you must confess your sin!

You need to repent of your sins. You need to stop doing the sinful things, and start doing the things that are pleasing to God.

Do you do this, or do you continue sinning?

Prayer: Father God, I feel guilty because I am aware of my sinful practices and sinful desires. So many times, I have let my guilt torment me, and I have continued my sinful lifestyle, but I’m tired of living in guilt!

I come to you God and unburden my sins and the state of my conscience. I confess to you Lord. Set me free to serve You wholeheartedly, I pray, amen!

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