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Anyone Can Be Saved

By Andrew Williams – October 24,2021

Anyone Can Be Saved

“Now the apostles and the believers who were throughout Judea heard [with astonishment] that the Gentiles also had received and accepted the word of God [the message concerning salvation through Christ].” Acts 11:1 AMP

Good morning fellow disciples.

Sometimes we believe that only certain persons can be saved. Sometime we believe that persons who are different from us cannot receive what we have received from God. This is because of how we have been raised. The teachings that we have received from our elders are sometimes flawed, especially when it comes to the interpretation of the Word of God.

In the passage proceeding this, Peter (a Jew ) went to the house of a gentile. This was not permitted under the Jewish law, but God showed Peter in a vision that it was okay to do so. What this tells me is that we should always listen to God above what anyone else says. As children of God, He is our teacher, He is our master and He is definitely THE One that we should listen to.

So today, let us pray for others who are different from us to receive God as their savior. Let us not be short-sighted in thinking that we are the only ones who can be saved and that can be filled with God’s Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Father God, let us see You for who You are and let us see how You love other persons just the same way You love us. Help us to accept others because You have accepted them. Help us to rejoice in their salvation that makes them a part of the family of God just like us. This I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

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