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Another Healing Conversation With Jesus – Part 6

By Andrew Williams – May 31, 2022

Another Healing Conversation With Jesus – Part 6

And when He had gone indoors, His disciples asked Him privately, Why could not we drive it out? And He replied to them, This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting.
Mark 9:28‭-‬29 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Do you think that you have arrived? Do you believe that because you are a disciple of Christ you know everything, you are fully empowered, and you don’t have to do anything else other than accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to be effective?

Here we see Jesus telling His disciples that certain types of evil spirits only go out with prayer and fasting. So what is prayer and fasting?

Prayer at its root is simply focusing on God. Prayer and fasting is simply going without food to spend time focusing on God.

So, how much time do you spend focusing on God?

Are you like the disciples who spend time with God but you don’t really focus on Him in the time that you spend with Him?

Have you given up food or other desires to spend time focusing on God ?

The disciples knew Jesus’ lifestyle. He rose early in the morning to spend time with God, He went out late at night to spend time alone with God, and His life was that of preaching the Word of God, teaching the Word of God and, doing the things that God empowered Him to do.

Is your lifestyle anything like Jesus’?

I leave you today with this admonition:
Spend time in prayer and fasting; pray to God in private, listen to sermons, read your Bible, meditate on and internalize the scriptures and, have discussions with persons which lead to God! Use all these to get into deeper fellowship with God so that you can be an effective Kingdom Disciple.

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