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Another Healing Conversation With Jesus – Part 5

By Andrew Williams – May 30, 2022

Another Healing Conversation With Jesus – Part 5

But when Jesus noticed that a crowd [of people] came running together, He rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, You dumb and deaf spirit, I charge you to come out of him and never go into him again. And after giving a [hoarse, clamoring, fear-stricken] shriek of anguish and convulsing him terribly, it came out; and the boy lay [pale and motionless] like a corpse, so that many of them said, He is dead. But Jesus took [a strong grip of] his hand and began lifting him up, and he stood.
Mark 9:25‭-‬27 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Jesus ascertained the information and got a full grip off what was happening. He knew the child’s illness, He knew the father’s desperation and limited faith, He knew the disciples faithlessness and, He knew what demon to get rid of.

But now the crowd was coming towards Him and Jesus did not want a similar situation as the disciples had; A situation where persons would come with questions and would be arguing with Him. So Jesus did in an instant what the disciples could not.

He commanded the demon to leave, and it left the little boy! The crowd saw this happen and thought that the boy was dead. However, Jesus grabbed him by the hand, pulled him up, and he got up.

My fellow disciples, after a conversation there is a time to act. My questions to you today are these:

1. Are you still conversing with people, so much so, that you never arrive at the time to act?

2. Have you gotten the information you need, and are you now ready to act? And,

3. Are you like Jesus who despite what is happening around you, you are acting and setting the people free?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I have heard the conversation, I understand all the components now, and I am ready to act. I will be like You and command evil spirits to leave so that people can be set free. Amen

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