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Another Healing Conversation With Jesus – Part 1

By Andrew Williams – May 26, 2022

Another Healing Conversation With Jesus – Part 1

And when they came to the [nine] disciples, they saw a great crowd around them and scribes questioning and disputing with them. And immediately all the crowd, when they saw Jesus [returning from the holy mount, His face and person yet glistening], they were greatly amazed and ran up to Him [and] greeted Him. And He asked them, About what are you questioning and discussing with them? And one of the throng replied to Him, Teacher, I brought my son to You, for he has a dumb spirit.
Mark 9:14‭-‬17 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Have persons ever come to you with a simple request but instead of fulfilling their request you end up arguing with them instead?

This was the situation with the disciples in this passage. They had the authority and power that Jesus bestowed upon them to heal, however they couldn’t heal this man’s child. Instead, they ended up answering questions and arguing with religious people.

They didn’t/couldn’t, fulfill this man’s request to set his son free from the devil’s captivity.

Isn’t this how most of us ‘christians’ operate?
We are followers of Christ who: can’t preach the gospel to get persons saved; can’t pray for people and see them healed and; we can’t deliver demonized persons.

What do we do instead? We spend our time answering questions and having religious disputes with persons, instead of addressing the obvious needs that are before us.

Can you hear God asking you: “About what are you questioning and discussing with them?”

How do you feel knowing that your Lord and Master is asking you this, when someone is seeking to be set free?

Prayer: Father God, forgive me for not walking in the power and authority that Jesus has bestowed upon me! Forgive me for wasting time fielding questions from persons and arguing with them about healing, salvation and, deliverance, when I should be setting people free.

My lack of understanding, fear, and lack of fellowship with You has made me impotent. God, as your emissary here on earth, I will help those who come to me seeking You. I will preach the gospel, heal the sick, and set free those who are being held captive by the devil.

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