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Again, Lord ?

By Andrew Williams – November 21, 2021

Again Lord?

Then the Lord said to me, “Go again; show love to a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress, just as the Lord loves the Israelites though they turn to other gods and love raisin cakes.”
Hosea 3:1 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Like seriously God! Wasn’t it enough to marry the prostitute and have kids with her. I mean, I prophesied Your word, made my life an object lesson for them to learn. All these years and they still haven’t responded. Why do I have to be the one to sacrifice so much?

Let’s look at this passage from the point of view that Hosea’s wife Gomer had left him to live with another man. ‘So, hold on God, mi wife not only a gi mi bun, she leff mi and gone go live wid another man, an Yu want mi fi go back fi har and love har like mi use to ?!?!’ God, it’s hard to deal with all the pain but, I am Your humble servant.

I love You and I love your people. I am honored to be used by You. So, yes, yes, yes, I will do it again. I will forgive and show love to the one who has hurt and disrespected me. May others see and understand that it’s only because of You that I can do this.

Prayer: Father God, You love us even though we have sinned against You and have turned to other God’s. Thank You for giving us opportunities to return to You. I know that we have hurt You. Please forgive us and show Your love to us.

For those of us that You have called upon to show love like Hosea did, we say yes Lord. We will do as you command. Amen

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