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Act Persistently While Waiting

By Andrew Williams – February 24, 2022

Act Persistently While Waiting

“Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Wait: To stay or rest in expectation; to stop or remain stationary, till the arrival of some person or event.
Wait: To rest in expectation and patience.

Have you ever wanted to visit a friend so that you can share a meal together? You called your friend and requested that you visit him or her so that you could share a meal together. Many times you called but the answer was always no, however you persisted until your friend finally said yes.

The next problem was that you did not know where your friend lived. Your friend gave you direction to his place with the promise that when you arrive there will be a sumptuous meal waiting for you.

You are excited! You start your long journey and along the way you get lost several times. You don’t give up! You keep searching for his house and keep on getting directions along the way until you find it.

You reach the house or apartment and you see your friend inside. From outside you smell the meal that you’ve been waiting to have. You hear music inside. You knock at the door. There’s no answer. You knock again. Still no answer. You keep knocking and knocking and knocking until finally your friend opens the door.

You are invited in, and you and your friend now have that long-awaited meal together. Despite all the challenges you did not give up, and finally after waiting for so long you have received your heart’s desire.

Is this how you are with the things of God?

Are you persistently asking, persistently seeking, and persistently knocking so that you can receive God’s promises and enter into God’s rest?

Prayer: Father God, I will keep on asking, keep on searching and keep on knocking. I will act persistently while waiting because I know that You will fulfill Your word found in Matthew 7:7‭-‬8 TPT which says:

Ask, and the gift is yours. Seek, and you’ll discover. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. For every persistent one will get what he asks for. Every persistent seeker will discover what he longs for. And everyone who knocks persistently will one day find an open door.”

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