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According to My Righteousness

By Andrew Williams – July 17,2021

“The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; He repaid me according to the cleanness of my hands.” Psalms 18:20 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples, let us pray.

Father God, thank You for saving me, thank You for loving me, thank You for redeeming me. As I look at this verse Lord I wonder, if You were to reward me according to my righteousness and the cleanest of my hands, what would that reward look like? As a Christian, I still struggle with the old man, my flesh, my carnality, and sin. There are times when I have failed You, and there are times when I don’t feel worthy to be in Your presence, and in those times I think I should be punished.

But I thank You God, that You are a God of grace and favor and You don’t see me the way that I see myself. There are times when I want to make myself better so that You will be pleased with me, but I know that this is not possible in My own strength. I know that this verse speaks of Old testament times when person thought that it was their righteousness that made You respond a certain way to them. I know God that this is not how You judge us who are Your children, so I ask you to forgive me of the way that I think sometimes.

Because I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I know that His righteousness is imputed to me, so that when You look at me You see His righteousness. And based on this, You treat me the way You treat your only begotten son. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Father God for rewarding me according to Your son’s righteousness.

Because of Your gracious gift, I now surrender myself totally to You as my Lord and my God. I submit totally to Your will and to Your way, and I serve You wholeheartedly. I will go where You send me, and I will do as You say. So Father God, I ask You to continue to make me righteous because of Your son, and to keep me clean. Help me to live my life pleasing to You. I ask You to Grant this all, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

2 thoughts on “According to My Righteousness”

  1. Onesha Mitchell Patterson

    Bless the Lord, thank you for your grace and mercy. If it was up to my righteousness, I would be lost and unworthy. Your GRACE makes us worthy.

  2. Amen Hallelujah! I’m redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ and His righteousness. Thanks to the Lord God for repaying me less than our sins deserve. Hallelujah!

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