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According To His Righteousness

By Andrew Williams – August 7, 2021

Scripture : “I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness, And will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.” Psalms 7:17 NKJV

Observation : Praise means ‘to glorify (a god or saint) especially by the attribution of perfections’. Righteous means ‘free from guilt or sin’.

God is righteous and as such He is worthy to be praised. No human except Jesus has been able to live a guilt free or sin free life. This is one great reason why Father God and the Lord Jesus are worthy to be praised. We tend to say we praise God, but do we really understand WHY we are praising Him, or why He is worthy to be praised. Let us examine who God is. Let us ponder how great and unique He is. We need to stop going through the motions of praising Him and truly praise him from hearts and minds that comprehend who HE REALLY IS !

Sing praises to the name of the Lord Most High. It is a joy to hear persons sing melodiously to God. I can’t sing melodiously, but I am sure God is pleased when I sing heart felt praises to Him!

Application : I will seek to know God more and praise Him based on His attributes and who He is. I will seek deeper relationship and fellowship with God, because this will intensify the adoration and praise that I give to Him.

Prayer : Father God you are perfect, Lord Jesus You are perfect, Holy Spirit you are perfect so help me to really know You and understand who You are. I desire to know You so that my worship and praise will truly be what it should be. I don’t want to be superficial in my relationship with You, I want to give my all in worship. I desire You more than anything. Help me to praise you according to Your righteousness, amen.

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