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About Us


Dr. Andrew Williams is a true disciple of Christ who does not only study the word of God but models characteristics that are a true representation of who God is and what we are called to be. His relationship with Christ and his passion for discipleship has inspired him to fulfill his God-ordained purpose by utilizing his skills as a writer and to offer Theological insights and Biblical knowledge which are influenced by his pastoral background and bird’s eye perspective.

The blog Redirecting Our Focus®️ came from a series of conversations that he would have had with God at the beginning of the year 2021. Conversing with God in this way is customary for him to do at the beginning of every new year as a means of allowing God to direct his life throughout the year. With this direction from God, Dr. Williams has started his blog with the main aim of shifting the focus of millennials, through insightful biblical stories and teachings that we may have overlooked or underestimated.

The website is designed to invite requests, state concerns and have an open, ongoing conversation with people who are charged and ready to Redirect their Focus to God. Subsequently, fresh new topics are posted at least twice  weekly for you to stay in tuned and focused on God

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