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A Transfigured Conversation With Jesus – Part 1

By Andrew Williams – May 21, 2022

A Transfigured Conversation With Jesus – Part 1

Six days after this, Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John and led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves. And He was transfigured before them and became resplendent with divine brightness. And His garments became glistening, intensely white, as no fuller (cloth dresser, launderer) on earth could bleach them. And Elijah appeared [there] to them, accompanied by Moses, and they were holding [a protracted] conversation with Jesus.
Mark 9:2‭-‬4 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Transfigure: to change the appearance of a person or thing very much, usually in a very positive and often spiritual way.

Jesus was transfigured before them and became resplendent with divine brightness. Then Elijah appeared there to them, accompanied by Moses, and they were holding a protracted conversation with Jesus.

Can you imagine being the disciples who saw this happen? Would you be scared? Would you be in awe?

There are many different participants in the conversations that happened around Jesus’ transfiguration. The first thing we see is that Jesus had a conversation with Moses and Elijah. This went on for a while.

I wonder, what did they talk about? I wonder, did the disciples hear this conversation? I wonder, would they be so scared and dumbfounded that they didn’t even remember what was said?

What really matters is that they saw Jesus in His heavenly Glory and they saw two of the greatest men in Israelite history appear before them. What an honor it was to be a participant in this marvelous event.

As a disciple of Christ, do you want to see Jesus’ glorious appearance? Do you want to be a witness of the heavenly hosts as they speak to and worship Him?

If you are not living like a true disciple of Christ, I implore you to start doing so today.

Prayer: Father God, I want to fellowship with Jesus in such a way that when You allow Him to be seen by me I will see Him in All His glory. I pledge to serve You completely. Reveal Yourself and Your Kingdom to me in ways I have never seen before. Amen

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