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A Testing Conversation With Jesus

By Andrew Williams – May 15, 2022

A Testing Conversation With Jesus

As soon as Jesus landed, he was confronted by the Pharisees, who argued with Jesus and tested him. They demanded that he give them a miraculous sign from heaven. With a deep sigh from his spirit, he said, “What drives this generation to clamor for a sign? Listen to the truth: there will absolutely be no sign given to this generation!” Then he turned and left them, got back into the boat, and crossed over to the opposite shore.
Mark 8:11‭-‬13 TPT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Have you been pestered persistently by persons who confronted you, argued with you and, demanded that you do things that God has not told you to do?

Have you been in these types of conversations that you knew would lead nowhere?

Has your authority been challenged by persons?

Do people seek you for signs, prophecies, interpretation of dreams, or other things to prove to them that you are a child of God?
Do they seek these things from you but have no intention of seeking God or submitting to Him?

If you follow these people you will waste your time and not reach the persons whose heart God has prepared for the gospel. Choose your battles and your conversations wisely.

Know your audience, and if they are not the ones that God wants you to speak to, leave them and go somewhere else!

3 thoughts on “A Testing Conversation With Jesus”

  1. Yes, it’s important to chose our battles. Jesus demonstrated this to us in the text.
    What a liberating Word !

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