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A Silent Conversation Observed By Jesus Part 1

By Andrew Williams – August 16, 2022

Sitting across from the temple treasury, He watched how the crowd dropped money into the treasury. Many rich people were putting in large sums. And a poor widow came and dropped in two tiny coins worth very little.
Mark 12:41‭-‬42 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Discernment is the ability to recognize small details, accurately tell the difference between similar things, and make intelligent judgments by using such observations.

In these verses, we see Jesus observing the giving habits of different classes of people. Some gave a lot and one gave a small amount. In a previous devotional we spoke about the body language of persons and how it spoke to others. In this devotional, we will see what the giving habit says.

The first thing we notice is that the act of giving was open to the public and that persons could observe exactly how much was being given as an offering.

The second thing we notice is that some gave large amounts and some gave very small amounts.

Without the discernment that Jesus had from these observations, this is what I thought when I was much younger:

1. We should give our offering so that others can see.

2. The richer persons were giving more and they should be thought of as being better givers.

3. The widow probably felt ashamed that she didn’t have much to give.

4. God was more pleased with those who gave a lot.

5. The way that we give and the amount that we give is like a non-verbal conversation between us and God. This is a conversation that we believe only we and God can hear. And,

6. God is watching us as we give our offerings to Him.

Obviously, when we see what Jesus discerned, we realize that my thoughts on this passage was mostly incorrect. But for today let me focus us by asking this question:

“What are we offering to God?”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You said that we should store up treasures in Heaven. Lord God, I bring my offering to You. I know that You see what I am bringing and I am grateful for the fact that I can give out of what You have provided for me.

You have said that we should love You with our whole heart, our entire being, so I bring to You now, myself. I give my all to You God. Please accept me. Amen

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