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A Peak Into The Mind Of A Man Who Didn’t Wait On God

By Andrew Williams – February 21, 2022

A Peak Into The Mind Of A Man Who Didn’t Wait On God

That’s why all of you have conspired against me! Nobody tells me when my own son makes a covenant with Jesse’s son. None of you cares about me or tells me that my son has stirred up my own servant to wait in ambush for me, as is the case today.”
1 Samuel 22:8 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Wait: To rest in expectation and patience.

Have you ever been wrongly accused? Have you ever wrongly accused someone of seeking harm you?

In this story we see King Saul accusing everyone of conspiring with David to harm him. We know that Saul was technically going crazy or under the influence of an evil spirit. The accusation against his son Jonathan was wrong. The accusation against David was wrong.

Saul was delusional. Saul was fearful. Saul was insecure.

Are you like Saul, thinking that everyone is working together to ambush you?

If you once had a relationship with God and you turned your back on Him, and you are now feeling this way, what could be the problem?

We know that an evil spirit tormented Saul and that God’s Holy Spirit was no longer with him. In that state he began to think that everyone was against him. Could this be your problem too?

The solution to your problem is to return to God, confess your sins and let Him cleanse you of all unrighteousness. When Nebuchadnezzar went crazy and was wondering around for 7 years, the day he repented and confessed that God Almighty was the true God, his mind was restored.

If you are away from God today, and your life is in a mess I implore you to start the process to restore your life. Confess your sins before God and He will make you clean.

Do the things that are pleasing to God, turn your back on the sinful lifestyle you used to lead, and start fellowshipping with mature disciples of Christ. Above all, spend time fellowshiping with God by reading His word, listening to sermons, and communicating with Him in prayer.

Prayer: Father God, I have strayed away from You. I am not thinking straight. I have messed up my life.

I confess my sins to You Lord! I have been disobedient! Forgive me! Make me clean and restore my mind so that I may think in a Godly manner.

From today onward I will be obedient to You and spend my time fellowshiping with You and others. Use me Lord to help others to be healed and to bring them into Your kingdom. Amen

1 thought on “A Peak Into The Mind Of A Man Who Didn’t Wait On God”

  1. That’s a serious place to be. Because only those who keeps their mind stayed on him experiences perfect peace. Therefore if a man who desire to live without God would be miserable, miserable, miserable 😖😖😖😖😖😖😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🥴🥴🥴🥴

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