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A Matter of Perspective

By Andrew Williams – August 25, 2021

“Though you ascend as high as the eagle, And though you set your nest among the stars, From there I will bring you down,” says the Lord.” Obadiah 1:4 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

How do you see yourself? How do people see you? How does God see you? In this verse we see that Edom by virtue of their physical location is high above many, if not all of the other nations. They live in the mountains high above others.

They see themselves as untouchable, and I believe many of the other nations would think twice about attacking them because of Edom’s advantage in battle. Even God sees them as being very high, and He states that they ascend as high as the eagles, and they make their nest in the stars.

But, even though Edom may be seen in this elevated or esteemed way, God says that “From there I will bring you down“. It doesn’t matter what position we find ourselves in life and how superior we think we are or how much accolades people gives us, there is One who is always above us.

God is in charge, there is no one above Him, and no one can approach Him in Majesty or might. His perspective is what truly matters, so let us humble ourselves in His sight. God is the one who truly elevates or tears down. As we ponder our true position in this world let us use God’s perspective to evaluate ourselves and then make the necessary adjustments to become the best persons that we can.

Prayer : Father God, show us how You see us! As I ponder that sentence, Lord I don’t know what else to say.

Father God show us what we look like, who we truly are from your perspective! Help us to accept and deal appropriately with Your revelation I pray, amen.

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