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A Love That Gives

By Vanessa Rose – April 4, 2021

Scripture : For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16King James Version

Insight : Humans use the words ‘I love you’ so much that somehow it has lost it’s true meaning. Many selfish and self-centered situations have been deemed as “love” because people are receiving. But the original act of true love was giving. God loved mankind so much that His only Son Jesus Christ was given to die in place of us so we could find redemption and salvation. This gift, though given to all is only received by some, those who believe in Jesus Christ. The result of this belief: we will not perish but have everlasting life.

The mark of true love is giving, even though all may not receive and sometimes those who do receive may not do so consistently. BUT God gives this love anyway and who better for it to come from than a God who IS love himself. Will you accept this true love? The love of the One true God?

Prayer : God I thank You for sending Your only Son to die in my place and pay for my sins. Lead me to accept this great gift and sign of Your love that I may enter into eternal life. Amen.

Have a blessed day

1 thought on “A Love That Gives”

  1. Im amazed everytime I think, read or talk about this true, powerful, selfless, unconditional LOVE. To God be the glory for offering this Love to undeserving us.
    Thank you Jesus!

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