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A Lesson From Lions

By Andrew Williams – November 29, 2021

A Lesson From Lions

Does a lion roar in the forest when it has no prey? Does a young lion growl from its lair unless it has captured something?
Amos 3:4 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

The answer to both questions is, ‘no’!

Lions are social animals, and they use different ways to communicate. Roar is a crucial part of lion interaction. Lions roar to warn the intruders to stay away. Both male and female lions roar to show health and strength, but not all roars are territorial. They use it to communicate their location with other pride members.

It would be counter-productive for lions to roar when hunting. Lions don’t roar after a kill. They might snarl or growl at other scavengers trying to take their food away. They don’t roar to mark a victorious hunt.

We see here that lions act in a peculiar way at appointed times. In other words when you hear them you can predict what is happening. In this passage God is trying to tell the Israelites that one thing will follow another. After using different analogies, God says this:

Indeed, the Lord God does nothing without revealing His counsel to His servants the prophets.
Amos 3:7 HCSB

Do you want to know what God is going to do? Then the answer is simple: listen to His servants the prophets.
You can read the recorded words of His prophets, His son, and His disciples. You should also listen to His Holy Spirit and those who are filled with His Holy Spirit.

God is trying to communicate with you but, are you listening? Just like how a lion has many different ways of communicating, so does God. You just have to know what to listen for in order to hear Him and understand Him. Won’t you try to listen to and hear from God today?

Prayer: Father God, today I have learnt a lesson from looking at lions. You are communicating with me, but it’s just that sometimes I don’t realize what You’re saying because I don’t really understand You.

I see now that you communicate with me through Your word, Your prophets, Your Son, His disciples, and other Holy Spirit filled persons. The main way you communicate with me is through Your Holy Spirit who lives in me.

I commit to listening to Your Holy Spirit and seeking You in Your written and Your spoken word. Help me to understand all that You are saying to me. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.

1 thought on “A Lesson From Lions”

  1. Marcia Saunders Dacres

    Psalm 18:30 states …
    As for God His way is perfect: the Lord’s word is flawless: He shields all who take refuge in Him …

    Oh that we would read God’s word and listen to Him …
    Wonderful Devotional 💕💕

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