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A Deliverance Conversation With Jesus

By Andrew Williams – May 13, 2022

A Deliverance Conversation With Jesus

Jesus set out from there to go into the non-Jewish region of Tyre. He intended to slip into a house unnoticed, but people found out that he was there. But when a woman whose daughter had a demon spirit heard he was there, she came and threw herself down at his feet. She was not Jewish, but a foreigner, born in the part of Syria known as Phoenicia. She begged him repeatedly to cast the demon out of her daughter. Finally he said to her, “First let my children be fed and satisfied, for it isn’t fair to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” She answered, “How true that is, Lord. But even puppies under the family table are allowed to eat the little children’s crumbs.” Then Jesus said to her, “That’s a good reply! Now, because you said this, you may go. The demon has permanently left your daughter.” And when she returned home, she found her daughter resting quietly on the couch, completely set free from the demon!
Mark 7:24‭-‬30 TPT

Good morning fellow disciples.

How serious are you about being set free from being a captive of the devil?

How serious are you about getting others set free from the devil’s captivity?

What are you willing to do so that others may be saved, healed or delivered?

Will you seek God on their behalf? Will you be persistent in prayer? Will you persistently seek others who can help your loved one to receive deliverance from the devil’s captivity?

Some people look at this conversation between Jesus and this Foreigner as one in which Jesus was disrespecting her. What we notice is her persistence, her deep desire to see her child set free and, that she wasn’t afraid to suffer humiliation so that her loved one would receive from the Lord.

Would you do what she did?

Are you doing what she did for those who are in your life?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You have paid the price for all of us to be saved, healed, and delivered. Even though some of us may be a part of Your church that doesn’t mean that we are the only ones who can receive what You paid for. Even those who are outside, those who aren’t directly a part of Your church can receive the Deliverance that You won.

So today Lord, I come to You on behalf of my loved ones. Deliver them Lord!

Set them free from the captivity that they are in to the devil! Amen

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