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A Conversation with Jesus That was Meant To Entrap Him Part 1

By Andrew Williams – August 1, 2022

A Conversation with Jesus That was Meant To Entrap Him Part 1

But they sent some of the Pharisees and of the Herodians to Him for the purpose of entrapping Him in His speech.
Mark 12:13 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Just prior to this conversation Jesus had spoken a parable.

Mark 12:12 AMPC states: “And they were trying to get hold of Him, but they were afraid of the people, for they knew that He spoke this parable with reference to and against them. So they left Him and departed.”

They could not arrest Jesus because of His teachings, His miracles, His parables, or even what they might consider His open rebellion to their “authority” {because they feared the people}. So, the persons who despised Jesus or who felt threatened by Jesus’ ministry came together to plan how to get rid of Him.

Their plan was to use Jesus’ words to entrap Him. However, they knew that of his own volition, Jesus would not say anything that would allow them to arrest Him.

Entrap is defined as: “to lure into a compromising statement or act, or, trick (someone) into committing a crime in order to secure their prosecution.”

How many times have persons started a conversation with you in order to entrap you?

How many times did you recognize their plan?

How many times did you fall prey to these conversations?

As we look forward to learning from this conversation between Jesus and these Pharisees and Herodians, may we today take some time to ponder the purpose of the conversations that we have.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for showing us that people sometimes have ulterior motives for the conversations that they strike up with us. Lord, give us the discernment we need to uncover these motives.

We pledge to be faithful to You like our Lord Jesus, so that You will reveal through Your Holy Spirit how to deal with these conversations. Amen.

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