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A Conversation With Jesus About The Resurrection Of The Dead Part 4

By Andrew Williams – August 8, 2022

A Conversation With Jesus About The Resurrection Of The Dead Part 4

For when they arise from among the dead, [men] do not marry nor are [women] given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven.
Mark 12:25 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

So you’re telling me that we put so much effort and time here on Earth focused on marriage, and in the afterlife we won’t get married!

Wow! One could say that the best practice for heaven is to remain single!

This is probably how the Sadducees were thinking. But Jesus informs us that when we are resurrected we will be like the angels.

What does it mean to be like the angels in heaven? That’s a good question for which I don’t have a perfect answer.

I would love to think of the angels around the throne who are forever praising and worshipping God. Can you fathom how awesome it will be to be forever in God’s Presence?

Prayer: Father God, what a joy it is to know that not only have you saved us from the bondage of sin but, one day we will also return to have unbroken fellowship with You, just the way is was in the beginning.

I ask You to continue to reveal Your truths to us as we ask questions and seek You. Help us to know You, Your Holy Scriptures, and Your Power.

We humble ourselves before You. We surrender and submit to You in all things. Amen.

1 thought on “A Conversation With Jesus About The Resurrection Of The Dead Part 4”

  1. I believe that if there is a desire and opportunity for marriage it should be done while there is time in this life here on earth.
    When Christ return we will live with him forever in that place where He is gone to prepare for us.
    All our attention will be focus on worshio and praise to Him.

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