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A Conversation With Jesus About Restoring Sight

By Andrew Williams – May 16, 2022

A Conversation With Jesus About Restoring Sight

When they arrived at Bethsaida, some people brought a blind man to Jesus, begging him to touch him and heal him. So Jesus led him, as his sighted guide, outside the village. He placed his saliva on the man’s eyes and covered them with his hands. Then he asked him, “Now do you see anything?” “Yes,” he said. “My sight is coming back! I’m beginning to see people, but they look like trees—walking trees.” Jesus put his hands over the man’s eyes a second time and made him look up. The man opened his eyes wide and he could see everything perfectly. His eyesight was completely restored! Then Jesus sent him home with these instructions: “Go home, but don’t tell anyone what happened, not even the people of your own village.”
Mark 8:22‭-‬26 TPT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Did you have that perfect relationship with God at one point in time, then something came and “blinded” you? Let me explain: your relationship with God and fellowship with Him was perfect, but then something came and caused you to lose your focus on God. Your friends, relatives, and fellow disciples brought you to the Lord so that you could see once more.

You go with the expectation that once you are in God’s presence and God: hears your request, receives your confession, and forgives your sin, that immediately everything will return to normal. You can see!

But in this story we see that it took more than just a word for this man to be healed. Jesus led him away from what some of us believe was the source of his problem, away from the crowd and it’s distractions, to a place where He could be alone with the man. It was then that he got his healing and Jesus told him to go home and to not tell anyone what happened.

Have you backslidden/ strayed away from your fellowship with God, but you have now returned? Are you finding it difficult to “see” the way that you did before?

Allow God to lovingly take you through the process that He has ordained to make you completely whole once more!

Prayer: Father God, I have been blinded by the things of this world. Because of this my focus is not what it should be. I come to You today asking You to restore my focus on You and the things of Your Kingdom. I confess my sins and repent. Save me, heal me, deliver me and, restore me completely I pray. Amen.

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