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A Conversation With Jesus About His Prophetic Utterance Part 26

By Andrew Williams – September 15, 2022

A Conversation With Jesus About His Prophetic Utterance Part 26

Therefore watch (give strict attention, be cautious and alert), for you do not know when the Master of the house is coming–in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrowing, or in the morning–[Watch, I say] lest He come suddenly and unexpectedly and find you asleep. Mark 13:35-36 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

One thing we know for sure is that we do not know when Jesus is going to return.

What He has asked us to do is to be watchful, because when He comes He does not want to find us asleep and unprepared. His coming can be sudden and unexpected, just like a man who leaves his servants in charge of his house and goes away for a while.

As you examine yourself today:

Are you asleep?

Will you be surprised whenJesus returns?

Are you even looking for Him to return?

When Jesus said that we should watch, it doesn’t mean that we should just be looking for His return, looking for His return, looking for His return.

What we should be doing is to see what the signs of the time says and come to the conclusion as to whether His coming is near.

What we need to do is to be preparing ourselves and others for His return.

Are you doing that?

Are you doing the work that Jesus has left you to do?

Have you taught your disciples to do the work that Jesus has charged them to do?

Are you fulfilling that special task that He has given to you?

And are you being a doorkeeper who is watchfully awaiting His return?

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