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A Conversation With Jesus About His Prophetic Utterance Part 22 – At That Time

By Andrew Williams – September 11, 2022

A Conversation With Jesus About His Prophetic Utterance Part 22 – At That Time

Surely I say to you, this generation (the whole multitude of people living at that one time) positively will not perish or pass away before all these things take place. Mark 13:30 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

I must confess that I struggled with the placement of this verse in the narrative in Jesus’ prophetic utterances. For all my life I thought that Jesus was talking about the disciples that He was talking to who were present with Him.

I couldn’t see how that would be true! History shows us that the tribulation that Jesus spoke about has not occurred! History shows us that Jesus has not returned in His Kingly splendor!

I almost decided to stop this series with the last verse. I was reading other versions of the bible and couldn’t figure out what to write. I was praying for revelation about what to write, then I saw the amplified version and it became obvious.

“Surely I say to you, this generation (the whole multitude of people living at that one time) positively will not perish or pass away before all these things take place.” Mark 13:30 AMPC

It is speaking about “the whole multitude of people living at that one time”.

There is good news in this verse also! Jesus says of them: “this generation positively will not perish or pass away before all these things take place”.

At that time some will be spared and, all these signs will happen within the lifetime of these people.

Do you get it?

All that Jesus prophesied will occur in these people’s lifetimes. The time from the beginning of the tribulation to His return will span a generation.

What an honor it will be for those in that time who go through the tribulation then observe the changes in the heavens, then witness Jesus’ triumphant return!

Glory! Hallelujah! Come speedily Lord!

1 thought on “A Conversation With Jesus About His Prophetic Utterance Part 22 – At That Time”

  1. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
    1st John 3:2
    Let us all be faithful, and be ready because we know not the hour when He will return to take us home.

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