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A Conversation With Jesus About His Prophetic Utterance Part 20 – Gathering

By Andrew Williams – September 9, 2022

A Conversation With Jesus About His Prophetic Utterance Part 20 – Gathering

And then He will send out the angels and will gather together His elect (those He has picked out for Himself) from the four winds, from the farthest bounds of the earth to the farthest bounds of heaven.
Mark 13:27 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

When Jesus returns as King, He is on a mission.

Are you ready for what His return?

He is going to send out His angels to gather His elect, the ones that He picked out for Himself from all corners of the earth and from the farthest bounds of heaven.

Are you going to be one of those who He will select as His own?

You know, it is quite simple to know the answer to that! All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your Lord, Savior, and King here on earth and live your life the way that He did, following His commands and His teachings, and emulating His lifestyle.

God sent Him to show us how to live like men who can please God.

Are you doing that?

His Holy Angels will be sent for you if you are a faithful disciple of Christ.

Are you a faithful disciple of Christ?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for coming to earth the first time as a man, to live Your life pleasing to God Almighty, to preach the gospel {the good news of the Kingdom}, so that we can understand what it is to live the way that God wants us to live.

Thank You for sacrificing Yourself so that we can be redeemed, so that we can now be called Sons of God when we accept You as Lord, Savior and King. Thank You for continuing to intercede on our behalf, even right now, at the right hand of God.

Thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to live in those of us who have accepted You as our Lord and Savior. Thank You for being obedient to Your Father, who will send you back as Lord, Savior and King.

We want to be Yours, Lord, so we are going to follow You in all aspects.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for teaching us to recognize the signs of a times. Thank You for warning us not to be fooled, to not be misled, and thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to bring clarity to Your prophetic utterances. We continue to humble ourselves before Him and to accept His guidance in everything, in Your name. Amen.

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