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A Conversation With Jesus About His Prophetic Utterance Part 17 – Be on Guard

By Andrew Williams – September 6, 2022

But look to yourselves and be on your guard; I have told you everything beforehand. Mark 13:23 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Have you ever been in the situation where you are preparing for a test and you got all the information including the test paper along with the answers, and you ended up failing the test?

Why did this happen?

– Did you refuse to study the material?

– Did you refuse to look at the exam questions?

– Did you refuse to look at the answers?

– Did you go into the exam {having studied, seen the questions, and the answers}, but refused to believe the answers and wrote something else?

Many of us as Christians know that God has given us information beforehand, but we refuse to listen, refuse to believe and/or refuse to act on God’s Word.

Let us look to ourselves and be on our guard; the Lord has told us everything beforehand!

1 thought on “A Conversation With Jesus About His Prophetic Utterance Part 17 – Be on Guard”

  1. The analogy is frightening, but it happens in real life, and it happens in the christian journey.
    It is a wake up call for us to be still and listen to the voice of God, and not our own voice and also to put on the WHOLE Armour of God.
    We can also learn from the ant.

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